Time | Activity |
06H15 - 08H00 | Arrival and Free play (inside) |
08H05 - 08H30 | Breakfast & toilet routine |
09H00 - 09H15 | Inspection, register, weather, birthdays |
09H15 - 10H00 | Guided class activity and/or creative activity |
10H00 - 10H30 | Snack & toilet routine |
10H30 - 11H00 | Physical Activity – Fine motor activities |
11H00 - 11H15 | Physical Activity – Gross motor activities and movement |
11H15 - 11H30 | Story/Song/Rhyme/Music |
11H30 - 12H30 | Free play (Outside and Fantasy area) |
12H30 - 13H00 | Lunch and toilet routine |
13H00 - 14H30 | Afternoon nap |
14H30 - 15H30 | Free play |
15H30 - 16H00 | Snack and toilet routine |
16H00 - 16H30 | Interaction/game |
16H30 - 17H00 | Tidy up and bag check |
17H00 - 18H00 | Departure (music/movie/free play) |
Note: Our Daily Programme is flexible.